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所谓个性的设计,并不只是由造型、色彩、材质所组成的与众不同,它应该包括更 深层而持续的思考,对生产系统、行业、社会、乃至整个现实生态的观察与动手解 答,当这个设计进入市场,是否能产生思绪的激荡与浪潮?这种思考不是附加的, 而是必不可少的,否则个性就失去了灵魂,沦为流水线上的复制品。
太阳光是最好的可持续能源。随着人对自然采光的心理诉求,无论是办公建筑或是住宅建筑的内部是越来越通透跟开阳,既节省了电力又增添了诗意。 一款无需插电,能在阳光充足的室内或者庭院区域使用的太阳能落地灯成为了可能。 太阳能技术在建筑供电领域上比较成熟,而涉及个体的家居产品并不常见,更多的太阳能家居产品诞生能唤起人们对可持续资源利用的意识,具有现实意义。
标志性的Grashoppa落地灯于1947年由女性先锋Greta M. Grossman制造。Grashoppa落地灯独特的三脚架向后倾斜,给人一种灯是有生命的感觉。作为格罗斯曼最具标志性的设计之一,这款正宗的台灯有一个细长的圆锥形遮光罩,可以在需要的地方旋转来引导光线。
"Once upon a time an asian emperor received as a gift a nightingale. The charming bird sang so beautifully that the emperor always wanted it by his side. He placed the nightingale a majestic hand woven bamboo cage in the imperial chambers and listened, enchanted, to the magic sound" Material: Bamboo rattan cage, aluminum frame and glass diffuser Additional: Each cage is woven by hand And therefore has a unique character.
贝斯特莱特BL3&BL4落地灯自二十世纪三十年代开始连续生产。受包豪斯运动的影响,这个标志性灯数温斯顿·丘吉尔是其众多著名用户之一。BestLITE BL3&BL4落地灯是地板直立灯,提供直射光。它有一个高度可调的手臂来改变光线的高度,有一个可以从水平到垂直倾斜90°的阴影。遮阳帘也可旋转360°。
"The Construction lamps are inspired by metal factory construction,electricity poles and constructive elements. This collection, like other designs from Joost, originate from his inventiveness and curiosity combined with expert skills and industrial tools. He started playing with the tools and bolts present in his giant workshop and ended up constructing and creating a new, exciting design!Joost van Bleiswijk was born in Delft and graduated from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2011. Since then, he's mainly working on his own collections. In addition to his own work, Joost designs for top companies worldwide and his pieces have been featured in international publications. Joost's works and collections are exhibited and sold worldwide at galleries and museums.Construction lamps feature a die cast powder-coated aluminum frame in your choice of white or black. White lamps are offered with wood slats. The small size is offered with a push+hold dimmer while the medium & large sizes are offered with a slide dimmer. Includes 9.8 feet of black cord. Medium and large lamps have adjustable lamp holders. UL listed."
"in a brave new world imagination is free to produce a complex lamp with simple materials, translating the warm soul of the oak wood in a mechanic way.""the brave new world lamp by design duo fresh west started as a concept piece of random thought-initiated construction. Following the example of old far eastern bamboo scaffolding or simply of our childhood meccano creations, the brave new world lamp was developed without a design or plan in place. Nevertheless each piece of wood is carefully notched and pegged together to form an integral part of the overall mechanical structure." Material: Oak frame and cast iron balancing weights"
The Statistocrat Floor Lamp from designer Atelier Van Lieshout caught our eye because like most of the Moooi products it has an "I need that"look which in this case is nicely simplistic and understated. Every part is necessary and not in danger of getting dated or going out of style. So here is what you get. A torchiere top light that shines upward to illuminate nicely diffused light, two side lamps that are perfect reading and finally a nice little side table perfect for a tablet or your favorite beverage. The Statistocrat Floor Lamp is approximately 2 Meters High and uses 3 LED lamps using a total of 40 watts and is available in a wide assortment of colors over an all-aluminum construction. See the entire collection here.
Nelson Pear莲花落地灯采用精美喇叭形灯罩和稳定的钢制底座,具有高大的雕塑感。 它有两种尺寸可供选择,以补充不同尺寸的内饰。 1952年,乔治·尼尔森(George Nelson)首次设计了他们,当时他遇到了一个他希望为他的办公室购买的瑞典吊灯。 他受到昂贵的价格的挑战,并决定自己做。 结果是一系列基本的球形形状,如圆形苹果,宽碟,细长雪茄和梨形等。
Kyoto系列是取材自核桃木或白蜡木制作的落地灯系列,以致敬京都悠久的木匠工艺和日本航空早期发展史。这款落地灯的结构设计灵感源自日本玩具飞机的精妙构造,开云(中国)遴选出其中最为特别的一款作为设计参考,它是曾参与过1911年日本航模比赛的吉田飞机,它是一款装有双逆向推进器的A字型飞机,当时因成功飞越东京隅田川而闻名。灯罩采用的是被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产的和纸,由专门制作日本传统和伞的京都手工艺人制作。Kyoto Lamp光线柔和,灯影朦胧,其独特的造型和光效为居室更添别致。
Ode Lamps秉承简约风格,注重细节,为人们共同度过的时光锦上添花。 柔软的防眩光LED和旋转钢制色调营造出一团散射照明,吸引我们的本能,围绕光线聚集在一起。
Zephyr大号落地灯彰显形式和功能的温文尔雅结合。 这款现代落地灯采用陈年铁饰和亚麻色调。
这款极简主义药房落地灯采用古董抛光黄铜或抛光镍制成,功能齐全,美观大方。 可调节臂上的管状遮阳板悬挂在圆柱形大理石底座上方。 灯旋转40度; 中心左右两侧20度,因此您可以轻松地将它放在您的上方作为阅读灯。 要进一步瞄准灯泡,请使用遮阳板上的手柄,该手柄也可以上下旋转180度。 织物缠绕的线具有易于开/关的开关。
日裔美国艺术家和开云(中国)Isamu Noguchi(1904-1988)的作品异常多面。 除了雕塑,他还创造了舞台布景,家具,灯光和室内设计,以及户外广场和花园。 作为雕塑家,他的兴趣不仅限于材料和形式,还延伸到空间效果和室内设计。 Noguchi希望他的艺术兼顾实用和社会功能,他的雕塑风格对20世纪50年代有机设计的成语产生了持久的影响。
Cleo落地灯以大胆的几何形式突出了混合材料的美感。 这款落地灯采用古董抛光黄铜和青铜细节,镀金色罩内饰,可选择白色大理石底座的古董白色灯罩或黑色大理石底座黑色灯罩。
在数学中,只有5个具有相等面的规则形状,例如立方体和三角形金字塔。对于Pitagora系列灯具,以着名的希腊数学家Pitagora命名,Hutten使用这些常规形状创造了标志性的Pitagora光系列。在常规十二面体的每一侧,Hutten都放置了一个圆形反射器。 结果是一个有趣的3D对象,你看到的每个角度不同变化。 丰富的物体,为空间提供了大量的氛围。 无论是悬挂版还是落地版。
Lucien可调节落地灯将工作灯的多功能性转化为精致和动态的环境。 这款药房式落地灯有古董黄铜或抛光镍。
闪电,宇宙的救世主。他代表我们每一个人,代表我们每一个人,他用大能的手拯救每一个男人,每一个女人,每一个孩子,用大能的闪光!自从我们把黑暗从洞穴中驱逐出来,卢克在《星球大战》中面对达斯·维达(Darth Vader),没有什么光比闪电更重要了。光不仅仅是LED和手电筒,光也是生命。手电筒是最糟糕时刻的救星。手电筒集灾难、冒险、盗窃、鬼故事、童年、救世主于一身。我曾经因为忘记付账单而断电,所以现在我用闪光灯照亮了整个房间。它是宇宙的曲折。黑暗中的一道闪光,阴影的破坏者。
这个系列以雕塑形式的穿孔金属为特色,源于对建筑的热爱,以及光与形式的相互作用。 这些穿孔是一个标志性的设计元素,漫射和反射光线,为任何空间增添精致的质感和丰富的深度感。 提供古董抛光黄铜,青铜,抛光镍和磨砂玻璃。
布拉切利是一盏灯,面板结构覆盖着精美的金箔。象牙色的棉和人造丝阴影,手工制作。巴德·巴塞罗纳(Bd Barcelona)设计生产并销售世界各地,萨尔瓦多·达利(SALVADORDALí)的设计。2009年,我们纪念了20周年萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali)和伯德(Bd)的逝世者希望通过制作特别限量版的梦幻般的家具系列来表达特别的敬意。所有饰面均基于黑色,铸黄铜上的黑色古铜色漆成黑色,著名的黑马奎纳大理石鸡蛋,深色的金箔和染成黑色的石灰木绸缎分别用于装饰和内衣雪纺,黑色则用于灯罩。精致的材料和手工制造使Bd至今已在全球独家销售家具系列。 90年代由负责画家权利的萨尔瓦多·达利基金会(Gala Salvador Dali Foundation)担保。黑色标签系列限量发行105枚(2009年达利时代)。
Larchmont落地灯实现了形式和功能的无缝共存,源于前现代主义建筑风格,特别注重材料和几何。 这款可调式药房式落地灯有古董黄铜,抛光镍或黄铜/青铜混合物,每种都有磨砂玻璃。
Dulcet中型药房落地灯融合了简洁的线条和简洁的轮廓,融合了外形和功能。 这款药房式灯具高度可调,可旋转,可选配白色玻璃或金属圆顶灯罩,以匹配青铜,古铜色或抛光镍面漆。
以材质再生为基本手段的水磨石系列,将陶瓷废渣再生成简洁形态的日常性家具,以衍生产业的形式回归到大众层面的使用中。 中国佛山,这片拥有全球最大最成熟的陶瓷产业链和产业集群的建筑陶瓷工厂的土地,承载着每年400万吨陶瓷废弃物带来的环境污染。 以材质再生融入日常,不仅是激发商业价值的大胆尝试,是环保理念的日常化实践,更是对自我尊严的基本坚守和追求,我们探寻陶瓷跨越地域局限的一种当代突破!
“棒”已荣获2017年iF设计大奖。 将陶瓷废渣再生成简洁形态的日常性家具,以衍生产业的形式回归到大众层面的使用中。 中国佛山,拥有全球最大最成熟的陶瓷产业链和产业集群,这片土地承载每年400万吨陶瓷废弃物带来的环境污染。 由此,以材质再生融入日常,不仅是激发商业价值的大胆尝试,是环保理念的日常化实践,更是对自我尊严的基本坚守和追求,我们探寻陶瓷跨越地域局限的一种当代突破!
"The beauty of light was redefined with the Raimond pendant lamp basing on pure mathematics. Finally it is possible to watch the universe and enjoy the starlight while the night sky is cloudy. The Raimond pendant lamp enables this with its numerous LED’s that seem to float in space like real stars.Raimond consists of complex stainless steel grid nettings. The single trams from the netting are (similar to the planet orbits) arranged around an imaginary point.The Raimond Pendant Lamp is also available in different sizes and each one of them in a dimmable and non-dimmable edition."
statistocrat designed by atelier van lieshout for moooi is a suspension lamp. this futuristic lamp is a three-dimensional elaboration of the data structure that rule and define the city’s well-being, dressed in the sleek slenderness of an efficient aluminium body. the statistocrat suspended lamp is reminder that everything is possible if you invest your energy and knowledge in a good plan!
A magic mirror and the power of crystals transform a simple shell into an endless light bouquet of flowers”, Marcel Wanders Valentine’s shiny, refined black, white, gold & chrome shell encloses and frames a meadow of light and sparkling glamour. With thestyle of a precious jewel, Valentine is designed to guard his heart of crystallized flowers, frosted in time. A treasure as perfect anduntouchable as lovers‘ memories. As light and revealing as a first date. As exciting as the initial glimpse of a carefully wrapped gift
"Beat Light by Tom Dixon is a series of lights inspired by the sculptural simplicity of brass cooking pots and traditional water vessels on the subcontinent. The Beat lights are spun and hand-beaten by renowned skilled craftsmen of Moradabad in Northern India.Spun brass shade with a sprayed and lacquered exterior and hand-beaten interior. Beat shades are formed by hand through spinning and beating techniques making each shape unique. A protective lacquer is applied to the inside surface to protect and fix the finish. A dark patina is then applied at the end of the production."
"True to its name,Dandelion was initially inspired by the plant the creates the famous and poetic "dandelion snow" of fuzzy,cotton-like seeds when a gush of wind blows on it.The lanp transmits an explosive feeling of energy in motiom,reaching towards us from its lighten up and blow away the heaviness of everyday life.Dandelion is truly a breath of fresh air."
"Designer Tom Dixon was inspired by the shapes of Indian water carrying vessels when he designed his group of four different pendant lights. Hang just one, grab a pair, or hang the entire group of four in a composition of your own creation. The hand beaten brass ages naturally, creating a patina black external surface in contrast to the warm golden interior. available in 4 different shapes and sizes. "